Wednesday, April 8


there are 2 receptionists at refresh , both of whom are very friendly with me. i am more familiar with r1, probably because of my near-weekly patronage, who never fails to greet me by name and to inquire about my creaky neck and back muscles while dispensing sagely self-care advice with a mother's earnestness. today, however, r2 was there with her usual beaming welcome.

"em, benjamin, right?"

"no, " i corrected her with a smile, "i'm august".

she apologies, a little red-faced, and proceeds to tell me that she had me confused with another customer because he looks like a younger version of me.

"benjamin tsao?" i ventured.

"yes!" she gasps in wide-eye amazement at my all-knowing powers, "how did you know?"

"he's my colleague," i explained slowly. technically i should have used the past tense but i reasoned i was there for a massage, not a share-my-life-story session.

"oh, so you're from shalom, too!"

looks like her powers are not too shabby either.