Wednesday, April 22

if there're seasons

i just reached home, having braved an odd drive through erratic bursts of rain, fallen branches littered across the roads and copious swirls of dead leaves in strong winds, after attending the much-publicized chinese musical 'if there're seasons'.

featuring xinyao hits (of which i knew absolutely none!) by famed songwriter liang wenfu (of whom i am equally clueless about), the production impressed me from the little details in the charming sets to the soaring voices of the all-round solid cast.

i was especially taken with much of the music, almost all of which were sensitively performed and even more exquisitely written. many of the songs evoked hauntingly beautiful imagery which effectively enhanced its depth of expression and pathos; one, i should add, even moved me to tears.

go see it. whether as a supporter of the arts or a music-lover, i think you'll have a good time at the very least.


boon said...



aug said...

i seriously never heard of his name before. growing up, i always switched off whenever i heard anything in mandarin, which is why it is totally half past six today.


lil' said...

may i know which one?

dit said...

how poetic and apt. pity that i would miss both the storm and the song.