Monday, February 23

glorious freedom

turning in late, rising at noon sounds like the perfect job but the reality is an aching back and a confused body clock from oversleeping. i've given myself 1 month to enjoy a responsibility-free veg out, and frankly, i've almost had enough.

as a way to ease back into productivity, i'm heading down town to meet j for dinner and catch-up.

i should also get busy with the books i've lined up for myself. one would think i would have finished them by now but i guess being too free can really sap all motivation to do, well, anything.


Yuet Ling Ng said...

The concept of freedom is a joke. You never are free, not from yourself.

If I have 5 minutes free, it's scary. 101 things would creep up and say, Do ME now! Just 10 secs staring at the beach is enuf to bring back all the things I'm not doing while staring.

And it doesn't make me more productive either. So to hide this 'white noise', I slack by doing...doing things that pretend to be impt stuff or tune out...It's like back to square one. My dog is a very healthy excuse to slack. You can actually DO things with him and not DO anythings at all.

aug said...

i think i understand what you mean: it's like when you're procrastinating- doing a whole bunch of other 'necessary' stuff to avoid doing what you're supposed to be doing. those things are there, waiting and needing to be done. you just needed an excuse to get started.