Thursday, February 26

of broken bones & spirits

you'd be pleased to know that i did finally propel myself out of self-imposed house arrest to visit my grandma who had fallen and fractured her left arm. she was in good spirits, despite the inconvenience of the unwieldly cast, and was happy to bring out food and bring up marriage. lil and i were very amused.

we had dinner at a nearby food center after and were enjoying a little dessert and conversation when a tanned middle-aged man approached our table.

"is anyone eating this?", he asked in mandarin, pointing to a half-finished bowl of beef ball soup that someone we were sharing the table with had left behind earlier.

i shook my head, an instinctual response to the question, and watched in shock as he sat down and wolfed the leftovers down so ravenously that he choked on them.

i lost my track on our conversation and we left before finishing our dessert.


Anonymous said... how can you tell me you're lonely and say for you that the sun don't shine...

aug said...

*bursts into sonorous song*

"let me take you by the hand and lead you through the streets of bedok; i'll show you something that will make you change your mind"