Thursday, March 12

it show 2009

i'm at the it show at suntec city, rubbing shoulders relentlessly with other geeks from all over our island, marveling at the endless cacophony of shiny gadgets as much as the sheer number of bodies crammed in here.

my presence is required as advisor and bellhop to big sis. i can live vicariously through her shopping spree so i'm guaranteed a great time save, perhaps, for a slight tinge of wistfulness at all the droolsome toys i don't get to own.


Anonymous said...

oh she's evil!! take you there and leave you drooling...haha. Well at least you get to play with these toys for free there, didn't you?

aug said...

PLAY with the toys? it was all we could do to avoid being crushed and mauled by the madness of human traffic as we weaved in and out. all i got were fleeting glimpses of the so-called toys... sigh