Saturday, March 7

only hidden

there was a moment this morning, in that hazy space between sleep and wakfulness, where i could hear my dad on the violin, my mom in the kitchen, a conversation between strangers walking past downstairs, the clear call of a bird up in the trees; all blended into one seamless fabric. and then there was this weight, it felt like the weight of the world, flattening me against the bed - all my fears and hopes came alive, lunged at me in a desperate cry.

then i opened my eyes and there was only my breathing.


Anonymous said...

i had this weird experience before, like you, years ago. i could not open my eyes even though i was conscious of my surroundings. the weight went over me from toe to head and then passed away.
i had a near blackout on thursday too. read my blog. but don't be alarm. i felt bad when rui freaked out after reading it. bleah!

aug said...

well, he's concerned for your well-being. how do you expect your son to NOT freak out?

on a totally different note, i'm elated that you've found reasons to blog!